Servers are live!

The Crusade servers are live! Please note that the servers may be unstable and go on and offline at random times while we work on issues.

Pre-Alpha v1.0.1 is live!

Pre-Alpha test is just a network test, this includes very limited content and just includes a preview of the tutorial. Feel free to continue the grind after completing the tutorial and explore the island. Meeting new friends, Skilling as you prepare for the launch of the mainland. As of right now, the goal is to keep the accounts and progress during the Pre-Alpha release and only focus on removing bug abusers, rather than resetting the progress of all players. At this time, there will be no player trading.

Update: 02/20/2024 – 6:45PM

Pre-Alpha v1.0.5 is available to download! v1.0.5 testing will resume on 02/21/2024 at 7:30PM

Update: 02/19/2024 – 10:58PM

Pre-Alpha v1.0.4 is available to download! Servers are offline again. v1.0.4 testing will resume on 02/21/2024 at 7:30PM

Update: 02/15/2024 – 10:49am

Servers have been taken offline. Check back later for more details on when they will be back online. We are working on some connection issues. Players are able to connect to the server but are unable to login.



